Thursday, May 30, 2013

S.I.W (She Is Wow) Episode 6

Sorry it took me awhile to post this.. T.T I was obsessing over this other drama and stuff.. Lol But I hope you guys enjoy ^^ Here's the link : And I don't know if you guys heard, but Kpopshowholic's site got deleted.. and she has to make another site and post everything back on it.. That really sucks.. Kpopshowholic fighting~!!! ^^


OMG!!! EXO's wolf music video came out TODAY!!! I'm REALLY HAPPY they're back ^^ But I gotta admit (once again, my opinion)... the song.. wasn't that great.. I mean, I think dance was really cool and all and they all practiced hard.. It's just the song wasn't what I exactly expected.. Now I feel bad.. T.T >,< Anyways, I'm sorry if that hurt you guys and made you hate me... But see if you agree with me, the links are below:
Korean Version :
Chinese Version :

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

EXO Dance Practice Leaked~!!!! :O

OMG EXO's dance practice was leaked!! But I freakin' didn't see it.. >,< I wish I did though... But I listened to their audio on this other video and umm... my opinion, but it sounded very weird..? umm.. I don't know.. But this is where I heard it CORRECTLY. Here's the link : And I saw their dance-ish, the video was SOO slow becuz the video person maker (I dunno what to call the person) made it slow, so it sounded EVEN MORE WEIRD and scary... O.O But here's the thing to that, but you have to attach it to the part : /watch?v=UEn4_tHExdA

Saturday, May 25, 2013

She Is Wow (S.I.W) Episode 6 Update

Seems like the Kpopshowholic didn't sub it yet ^^ So, let's wait for them to finish, well I think its a them or.... nevermind I dunno. Anyways, Kpopshowholic fighting ^^ When Kpopshowholic is done subbing it, I'll find it and post it for you guys & gals~  :D

Friday, May 24, 2013

B.A.P Live In N.Y.C~

Well, its not really "Live" anymore.. T.T But if you don't know, B.A.P had a live stream in N.Y.C~ Don't worry, I didn't watch it "live" either.. >,< Anyways, here's the link ^^ :

S.I.W Episode 6 Update

Hey Kpoppers~ Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything.. >,< Anyways, I'm trying to find episode 6, to see if it came out yet ^^ So, just wait.. I might post it later on today :D

Sunday, May 19, 2013

SIW Episode 4 & 5 Eng Subs~!!!

Hey BANA's I finally found ep. 4 & 5.. Sorry I'm late.. T.T Been SOO busy. Can't wait til summer! ANYWAYS, Here's the link to episode 4 : And here's the link to episode 5: Hope you guys watch it ^^ I'm planning to watch it when I finish episode 3.. I know, i'm late >,< I hope this post helps you guys out :D Enjoy~ ^^

Friday, May 17, 2013

SIW Episode 4 Update~

Hey guys and gals! I'm still trying to find episode 4 T.T FAIL LOL But imma try to find it and post it probably later on today or tomorrow.. I dunno.. I might post it later on today though..

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

B1A4 Comeback Concerts~~ ^^

OMG OMG B1A4 had a concert and the video was posted on YouTube 3 days ago~!!! Click this link to watch it : OMG They had a 2nd concert, but this one was 5 days ago~!!! Here's the link for that :

Friday, May 10, 2013

She Is Wow EPISODE 3~!!!

Hey like I said I was gonna post episode 3 eng subs~ Lol Here's the link: I dunno when I can find episode 4 eng subs, but i'll keep looking ^^ All you kpoppers have to do is wait ^^ I'll try to find the eng sub episode 4. By the way, you guys should give props to Kpopshowholic for making the eng subs for us :D

She Is Wow~ Update~

So, I dunno if episode 3 (eng subs) is out yet, but imma check it out, and post it later, so be patient ^^ See ya soon :P

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

B1A4 Music Video~!!!

OMG Hey you BANA's~ B1A4 made a NEW M/V~!!!!! Here's the link : I found videos with the subs, but really bad quality. Soo~ I got you BANAs a high quality one ^^

Monday, May 6, 2013


OMG Guys and gals!!!! B1a4's songs came out yesterday!! It was May 5th for the U.S, but May 6th for Korea~ :P Look below for the titles of B1a4. LOVE their new songs :D I hope they make a music video soon!
1.Starlight's Song
2.What's Going On
4.Good Love
5.How Many Times
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just search it up on YouTube or click on the links below. By the way, the links are in the same order above. I dunno if that makes sense, but I hope you know what I mean :D :P Oh yeah, and they already have lyrics ^^ P.S: I DID NOT MAKE THE VIDEOS~

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Name Change, Generator, and Comment~!!!

Hey you Kpoppers~ I wanted to change my name, *~*Mimi*~*, to Park Yeon Hyo... I put my name in a and no it wasn't Google Translator LOL, it was a English name to Korean name generator ^^ Here's the link if you wanna test it out : Try it~!!! :P Comment below what your name is! :D Don't be shy and comment~ And if you don't know how to comment, you click the thing that says " No Comment : " and just type your name :)

Awesome Creativeness

OMG I found a YouTuber and she's REALLY COOL~!!! She does tutorials on kpop items! Like EXO rings, kpop spike converse, and A LOT more~ You guys should check her out ^^ Here's the link to her YouTube channel : But if your too lazy to check it out, here's her channel's name : -----|> MinjiVanPark